High Mountain Institute


Gap: Reflecting on Spring Trek 2022

I am writing this just as the stars peek out and the 12 of us get ready for our last night spent in Chile. The anticipation of going home alongside the memories of the past three months are bubbling up in the Coyhaique hostel tonight. We’ve been recounting moments of laughter and struggle, and thanking […]


HMI Gap: The Final Expedition

Rosa and Amelia are here to talk about our last expedition together. As a culmination of everything we’ve learned about living in the backcountry this semester, the students worked together to plan one final trek, led by our fearless Student Expedition Leaders, Nora and Sophia. This expedition was an opportunity for the nine of us

Articles, Semester

Sliding on Snow: Making Skiing More Fun & Inclusive

Over the last several years, we have examined every part of our school and program through the lens of equity and inclusion. These steps have led to some tangible changes that we’ve already implemented on campus: expanding the comprehensiveness of our financial aid packages, issuing Chromebooks to all students, and adding a Director of Diversity,

HMI News

Head of School Search Update

Head of School Search Committee announced; search firm hired April 28, 2022 Dear HMI Community, I’m told the snow is finally starting to melt in Leadville, so spring is on its way and Semester 48 will be drawing to a close next month.  As you know, Danny O’Brien will be moving on from HMI at


Gap: Studying Glaciers in the Icefields

Hey everybody! It’s Kosi with an update from the field. The ice fields exped was incredible. Here is a day by day. Day 1: Starting again We woke up and the world was dark. Louis and Amelia drove us from Cerro Castillo to Bertrand where we met 3 of our new companions. John, our trail


Gap: Wonder & Chaos in Cerro Castillo National Park

What a wonderful and chaotic trip!!! Lily and Lydia are here to talk about our most recent trip to Cerro Castillo National Park. his trip was by far the one with the best views, but it also had the most unplanned adventures including a spa day, persistent precipitation, sunrise hikes, rerouting, snowball fights, wet gear, and


Semester 48: Cooking, Cabin Reps, Classes, & Cooper

Written by: Nathan, Lucy, Anna P., & Evan Cook Crew: Cook Crew is part of the weekly routine here at HMI. Most students are assigned two cook crews per week and then have the opportunity to volunteer more time in the kitchen if they would like. Each Cook Crew makes one of the three meals


Semester 48: 2nd Expedition

Written by: Hugo, Charlie, Beatty, Alden, & Annie Grace Group A: I can confidently say that the Second Expedition of the HMI Spring Semester was one of, if not the most, unique experience that every student currently at HMI has gone through. Second Expedition consisted of backcountry telemark skiing, building quigloos, pulling sleds, cooking outside,


Gap: A magical week on the Futa River.

What a wet (but wonderful) week! We are currently back at Las Natalias in Futaleufú decompressing from a once-in-a-lifetime experience on a world renowned river, the Futaleufú.  Brett here! One thing that I find really amazing about this experience is all the different kinds of expeditions we are having. This past river week was a

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