

Semester 45 (Virtual) Family Weekend

Saturday marked a first for HMI–a “Virtual Family Weekend” with students on campus and parents participating from home. The day began with a welcome from Head of School Danny O’Brien and HMI Board of Trustees Chair Mo Copeland. Soon after, parents split up into breakout rooms to attend English and P&P classes.  Head of School […]


Semester 45: Life on Campus

Written by: Gemma, Liesl, Levi, Henry, & Maggie Academic life at HMI can be summed up into one word: reading. Poetry, the Constitution, communist writings, the Onion, you name it! Currently, students in English class are reading a book called Ceremony, by Leslie Marmon Silko, which is based around the oral traditions and ceremonial practices

HMI News, Semester

Semester 45: Ten Weeks In Without a Positive COVID-19 Case

Today marks ten weeks since the start of the HMI Fall Semester and we are pleased to report that we have so far not had a positive COVID-19 case on our campus. After arriving on August 17, students spent four days on campus before heading into the wilderness on their first backpacking expedition. All students were


Semester 45: 2nd Expedition

Written by: Aden, Sedi-Anne, Declan, Perrin, & Grant Group A: The phrase, “It’s 5:45, we missed our alarm!” echoed off the canyon walls on a brisk morning as sixteen foggy eyes poked out of their sleeping bags and began to pack. The cold air of the moonlit desert was misleading as we all knew the


Semester 45: Campus Life

Written by: Cate, Mia, Juliet, Maryam, and Sophia Morning Exercise (AMX): AMX kicked off at HMI last weekend, September 5th-6th with two optional runs. The students of HMI got used to the roads with some lovely runs to Beaver Ponds, the two-mile route. Then, on Monday the 7th, we started off the usual AMX schedule


Semester 45: First Expedition

Written by: KK, Ella, Geonna, Maya, & Mariema Group A, or as they called themselves, “The A Team,” led by Dylan and Amy, began their expedition through the Colorado Sawatch by passing through Twin Lakes, Colorado and arriving at Independence Pass. After a lesson on how to properly put on a 90-liter pack (which many

HMI News, Semester

HMI Semester 45 Students Arrive on Campus; Depart on Expedition

We were very pleased to welcome the students of Semester 45 to campus on Monday, August 17th. After four days of orientation and wilderness preparation, students departed on their 16-day First Expedition on Thursday, August 20th. Prior to the semester start, all 49 students quarantined for two weeks and received a negative COVID-19 test result.

HMI News, Semester

What Does an Antiracist Math Class Look Like?

Written by: Dylan Kane, HMI Math Faculty What does an antiracist math class look like? I’m not sure I know. But I’m working on it. For me, it starts with two questions. What is mathematics, and who does mathematics? Students often think of math as a bunch of men who look like Albert Einstein writing

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