

Semester 47: 2nd Expedition

Written by: Anna, Ben, Luis, Selayni, & Juliana Group A: As we thought about going on expedition number two, two things occurred to us. One: we would be hiking again… by choice. Two: there was no way that this exped could be nearly as life-changing, epic, and beautiful as the last one. It was unfathomable […]


Semester 47: Mini Golf, Solo Time, & Chores

Written by: Ann, Grace, Sasha, & Marley The weekend started early Saturday morning with a lovely run to the fish hatchery with friends. We had Saturday morning classes and then some wood chopping (a favorite!) and free time. Soon after that, we loaded up the busses for an evening of fun. The drive was a


Semester 47: Life on Campus

Written by: Iniye, Frankie, Jack M., Ryder, & Simrin So, you may be wondering what student life is like on campus at HMI! This week, Iniye, Frankie, Jack, Ryder, and Simrin write about chores, academics, cabin life, AMX, and weekend activities! Chores at HMI are definitely special. After Expedition, each student was assigned a chore.

HMI News, Semester

The HMI Apprenticeship: Now a Paid Position!

At HMI, we believe deeply in the philosophy of education through experience. Apprentices are college graduates who immerse themselves in a hands-on semester-long apprenticeship with the HMI Semester (our semester program for high school students) in addition to participating in a rigorous seminar that combines formal lessons in educational techniques with philosophies of outdoor education.


Semester 47: 1st Expedition

Written by: Katrina, Jasmine, Ali, Kira, & Nikhil Group A: Days started early on expedition, but our Instructor Team (I-Tteam) made sure we were in our tarps before 9pm. Usually, we woke up around 6:30am, made breakfast, and were hiking toward our next campsite by 9am. We split up into two groups, each with a

HMI News, Semester

HMI Semester Update: COVID-19 Protocols

Dear Semester 47 students and families, I’m writing today with important and timely news of updates to our COVID-19 protocols and guidelines concerning vaccines, testing, and visitors.  We are closely monitoring the current national surge in COVID-19 cases, specifically the rapid rise in the Delta variant. With students set to arrive on campus in less

Gap, HMI News, Semester

HMI Spring Programming Comes to a Successful Conclusion

We are very pleased to report the successful completion of our Spring 2021 high school semester (HMI Semester 46) and Gap programming. HMI Gap students departed from Leadville on May 13;  HMI Semester students departed on May 23. Semester 46 poses after the “Cabin Showdown Throwdown” competition in March The 49 students of HMI Semester

HMI News, Semester

HMI Semester Technology Policy Change

We are excited to share that, beginning with the 2021 Fall semester (Semester 47), HMI will issue all students Chromebook laptops for their time at HMI. Students will no longer be allowed to bring their own laptop from home.  There are several reasons for this change. At HMI we strive to live up to our motto simple in means,


Semester 46: 3rd Expedition

Written by: Anna, Luly, Ava, Jordan P, & Fernanda Group A: On third expedition, Semester 46 returned to the canyons of Utah. Group A, led by Liz and Joanie, traveled through Slickhorn Canyon. On the third expedition at HMI, each group has a Student Expedition Leader (SEL), and Eve was our group’s SEL. Unfortunately, one

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