

Semester 31: Second Expedition

We made it!  While we’re glad to be back in the warm buildings of HMI, our expedition groups had a lot of great adventures.  Each of the groups spent a number of days base-camping while doing trail work with the Colorado Fourteeners Initiative (CFI).  Afterward, we spent some time backpacking through the mountains. While it seemed […]


Semester 31: Project Day, Pranks, and Expedition Prep

We have been really busy this past week, but we’ve had a lot of fun.  On Tuesday, HMIhosted a semester-ly project day where students and staff work together on different projects across campus.  Earlier in the week, we had signed up for projects we wanted to work on, so we divided up into our teams on


Semester 31: We Think Academics at HMI are Pretty Cool

We Think Academics at HMI Are Pretty Cool… Academics, perhaps to the surprise of some, are one of the main factors that contribute to us really loving it here at HMI.  One of the main tenants of every class is for everyone to grasp certain cornerstone understandings in each subject area and be able to grow those understandings for


Semester 31: Talent Show, Train Rides, and Rock Climbing

Last weekend was a busy one for us at HMI!  On Saturday night, we hosted a Coffeehouse-style talent show for students and faculty.  Each of the cabin groups performed including a dance to the Spice Girls’ “Wanna Be” (in colorful costumes with crazy hair-dos—the performance got the whole crowd dancing and singing), a step dance, a


Semester 31: First Expedition

We’ve hit the ground running since returning from our first expedition and have been readjusting to life back on the HMI campus.  We’ll be sharing some of our recent activities in our next post!  For now, we’d like to share some of the successes we had during our first expedition. All of the expedition groups were able


Semester 31: “Nothing was more magical”

The first few days of Semester XXXI have been busy and full. We have been introduced to our academic coursework, gotten to know our new friends, and worked to set up the norms and expectations that will help our community flourish. In particular, we had our first “Circle” experience and readily prepared to go into the backcountry.

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