

Semester 32: “We can barely believe how quickly it’s flying by!”

This week has been exciting to say the least! This past weekend was our college counseling weekend.  We each got paired with a visiting college counselor who gave us some more advice on our potential college choices. While some of us came out of our meetings a bit overwhelmed with all the new choices of […]


Semester 32: 2nd Expedition

We have been back on campus for a few days now, having returned from our second expedition skiing in the mountains of Leadville. We are relishing the luxury of wood-burning stoves, beds, and hot showers!  The winter trips were, of course, really darn hard—temperatures were cold and building quigloos was laborious.  That said, the experience


Semester 32: Ski Week and the Leadville Loppett

On Saturday, February 23rd, many students rose early and raced in or volunteered for the Leadville Loppet—an annual Nordic ski race held in town. Costumes, cold, and craziness were rampant as HMI cheered on both fellow students and Leadville residents who were racing. Student racers loved the tasty treats they received from aid stations throughout the race,


Semester 32: “Whatever the reason, we are happy”

A little over a week ago, we emerged from our sleeping bags in southern Utah, covered in filth and, for the most part, feeling a little apprehensive about reentering the HMIcommunity. What would seeing other human beings be like? Having to attend school in a classroom rather than at the base of a large drainage or on


Semester 32: “Some of the hardest days also proved to be the most fun”

The journey to HMI was definitely that—a journey.  We learned from the very start something that HMI is really good at—being flexible.  Despite snowpocalypses across the country on the day we were supposed to arrive, we (eventually) all made it.  We departed from the airport in small groups.  There was much excitement in the air as we all made


Semester 31: Parents’ Weekend, Projects, and Prep for the Fun Run!

When we wrote our last update we were looking forward to Parents’ Weekend, but now we’re excited to tell you about Parents’ Weekend, along with some of the other things that have been happening around campus this past week.  We were quite excited to have so many guests on campus a few weekends ago.  They flew in


Semester 31: Third Expedition and Making the Most of Our Time Here

Sorry it’s taken us so long to get this written for you!  We had a slow time returning to campus from our last expedition since it was so snowy in Leadville.  Seeing as we were a bit delayed, we focused on de-issuing efficiently so we could pack ourselves up for Thanksgiving break!  Now that we’ve


Semester 31: HMI Homecoming

After returning from an amazing second expedition and cranking out our group gear de-issue, we spent some time back together as a whole community. We started off the weekend with a Lake County High School football game! It was a refreshing welcome and felt good to be back together sharing fun stories from our time

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