

Semester 35: “A busy and amazing week here at HMI”

With the academic year in full-swing, it almost goes without saying that we spend much of time engaged in our awesome classes. But there is also so much more to the HMI experience! Here is a quick look at other parts of our life on campus: Every morning on campus begins with AMX(morning exercise). Monday we had the […]


Semester 35: “Never a dull moment on campus”

We are in the midst of our second full week of classes! In US History we discussed American identity and American exceptionalism and how it applies to our view of history. It was an intense talk that led us to draw conclusions on our own viewpoints and think critically about historical analysis. In Spanish, we discussed how


Semester 35: “Never a dull moment on campus”

We are in the midst of our second full week of classes! In US History we discussed American identity and American exceptionalism and how it applies to our view of history. It was an intense talk that led us to draw conclusions on our own viewpoints and think critically about historical analysis. In Spanish, we discussed how


Semester 35: First Expedition

Over the past two weeks, Semester 35 explored the Sawatch mountain range in five expedition groups, all of which had incredible and transformative experiences. As feet were our sole means of transportation, hiking was one of the most significant parts of the day.  A designated student Leader of the Day (LOD) exercised decision-making and leadership


Semester 35: “We are off on our first big adventure!”

Hello everyone!  You will read this after we have left for expedition, but we write this first update as we pack and get ready to leave on the trip. Though this is only Day 4, the happy sounds coming from campus make it seem as if we have been in Leadville for much longer! School


Semester 34: Fun Run, Square Dancing, and Projects!

This past Saturday we had a square dance! We went to the 6th Street Gym in Leadville and danced the evening away. There was a professional caller who came all the way up from Buena Vista and taught us many different dances. The simplest one we learned was to the song “Cotton-Eyed Joe.” We hooked


Semester 34: “Life is buzzing here on the HMI campus”

Ever since 3rd expedition, classes have been going full speed ahead to take advantage of the four consecutive weeks of school we get this May, which allows for more long-term projects. We’ve been working on our lyric essays for English class for more than a week now, and they’ll finally be done this Friday. The


Semester 34: Classes, baseball, and a college visit!

This past week was our second week back on campus from third expedition. In English class we just finished reading Into The Wild by Jon Krakauer. It was a very good book to discuss because the feelings towards the story were very polarized. The other day in both of the Spanish classes we watched a video that


Semester 34: Third Expedition

We have arrived back to campus after our third and final expedition! Here are our stories: Group A’s expedition group comprised of smelly socks, sandy couscous, plenty of Milky Ways, and laughter to the point that our insides hurt. Returning to the canyons brought both feelings of familiarity and relief for many of us, although each day presented

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