

HMI in New York City

HMI is coming to the big city! New York City, to be exact. We will be offering two evening presentations next week for students and families interested in the HMI Semester and Summer Term. We will be in Brooklyn (Park Slope) on Tuesday, 1/10 and Manhattan (Tribeca) on Thursday, 1/12. All alumni and their families are welcome. Furthermore, […]


Semester 37: “The good, the better, and the beautiful”

As Wednesday approached (our last day of classes), we were frantic to get all of our work in. Monday through Wednesday was filled with essay writing and presentation practicing. In Josh’s english class, our final project was to chose a scene from any text we’ve read over the semester, adapt it by adding dialogue, and


Semester 37: “Getting as much as we can from these last few days”

This last week of the semester means a last push for the academics. In almost all of our classes we have had final projects. While this sounds stress-inducing, almost all of the projects were presentations, making them more interesting than papers and research projects. It is a very HMIthing to have all of the final aspects


Semester 37: “Getting as much as we can from these last few days”

This last week of the semester means a last push for the academics. In almost all of our classes we have had final projects. While this sounds stress-inducing, almost all of the projects were presentations, making them more interesting than papers and research projects. It is a very HMIthing to have all of the final aspects


Semester 37: Snow, Solo, and Science Trips!

It’s been eight days now since we returned from Thanksgiving break. We had a joyous reunion at the Denver airport; most of us sporting new haircuts and outfits from our other homes. This airport experience was drastically different from our first one back in August. Instead of awkwardly introducing ourselves to strangers, we bombarded each


Semester 37: Snow, Solo, and Science Trips!

It’s been eight days now since we returned from Thanksgiving break. We had a joyous reunion at the Denver airport; most of us sporting new haircuts and outfits from our other homes. This airport experience was drastically different from our first one back in August. Instead of awkwardly introducing ourselves to strangers, we bombarded each


Semester 37: Third Expedition

Group A Group A began their third and final expedition with a long, energetic, and fun-filled bus ride that took us all the way to Fry Canyon. Our whole crew spent the first exciting night together, in sight of the highway, where one tarp group was given an unexpected surprise: an unconventional, two-sided tarp as


Semester 37: Third Expedition

Group A Group A began their third and final expedition with a long, energetic, and fun-filled bus ride that took us all the way to Fry Canyon. Our whole crew spent the first exciting night together, in sight of the highway, where one tarp group was given an unexpected surprise: an unconventional, two-sided tarp as


Semester 37: Medieval Feasts and the PSAT

Family Weekend is just around the corner and everyone is very excited to see their families for the first time in over two and a half months. Families will be coming from all over the country and even the world. We will be having families fly in from Australia, California, Massachusetts, England and many other


Semester 37: The Human Ecology of Leadville and 90’s Dance Parties

This week several of our classes have been focused around a human ecology project. The goal of the project is to learn about the history, identity, and environment of Leadville. On Sunday we had the opportunity to go into town and interview locals about how Leadville’s identity has changed since the town’s mining days. We

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