

Semester 39: “We are learning how to thrive”

It is difficult to wake up in the morning when the sun has not peaked out from behind the trees and the boardwalk becomes an ice skating rink with frost. Yet, something changes when the sun turns the trees into silhouettes and the clouds are tinted pink and orange. It is much easier to go […]


Semester 39: “the most welcoming community”

Last Sunday night, a delicate dusting of snow settled on top of Mt. Massive and Mt. Elbert, powdering the mountains in some of the first tentative snows of the year. We all shuffled along the wooden boardwalk in the crisp morning air on our way to morning workout on Monday, paying close attention to our feet, trying


Semester 39: 1st Expedition

Group A Our very first expedition began with nine of us and our three instructors climbing into a van towing a trailer full of heavy packs. We took a short drive through Leadville and got dropped off on the side of the highway. As soon as we stepped out of the van, we all took

Articles, Semester, Summer Term

Three Lake County High School Sophomores Receive Full Scholarships to HMI

Benney, Gonzales, & Reigel Receive HMI Merit Scholarships Lake County High School sophomores Ariel Benney and Bianca Gonzalez, and Abigail Reigel are the recipients of this year’s High Mountain Institute (HMI) merit scholarships. Benney, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Charles & Suzi Benney, will attend HMI this summer, Gonzales, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Alberto & Vianca Gonzales, will attend HMI for the fall semester; Reigel, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Michael & Allison Reigel will attend HMI in


Semester 38: Prom, Project Day, and What Lies Ahead

This Saturday was prom.  The week began with students being randomly assigned dates, one being the “asker” and the other the “askee.” Each asker was tasked with creating a fun prom-posal to ask their dates to the dance. Prom’s theme this semester was the “Glory Days of Leadville,” and people dressed in all varieties of


Semester 38: Square Dance, Fun Run, and Final Projects!

As the academic year comes closer, our final projects for our classes have been introduced. In Natural Science we performed two water quality experiments in Leadville’s local watershed, which really brought it closer to home. Our project combines two essential aspects of science: thorough research and engaging presentation. First, we must find and read scientific


Semester 38: Life on Campus

In our second week back after third expedition we have gotten back into the swing of academics on campus. In lab on Monday we were in the Arkansas River catching, sorting, and analyzing morphotypes of benthic macroinvertebrates (think small to medium size bugs that live in the riverbed) as indicators of pollution from California Gulch.


Semester 38: 3rd Expedition

Group A Although the blood red mesas, the varnish-stained canyon walls, and the sun-bleached trees remain, Bears Ears National Monument has metamorphosed since we last visited in late January. The arid land’s water is no longer locked up in snow, and with the melt, a new layer of beauty has emerged. Vibrant foliage and brilliant


Semester 38: “The HMI community is a 24/7 learning environment”

  We are back in full gear with academics on campus here. This week marks ⅓ of our academic progress. Crazy! So that students get an understanding of where they are gradewise here at HMI, teachers held conferences and check-ins with each individual student. After asking Skye what she thought of conferences she responded: “The constructed


Semester 38: “The HMI community is a 24/7 learning environment”

  We are back in full gear with academics on campus here. This week marks ⅓ of our academic progress. Crazy! So that students get an understanding of where they are gradewise here at HMI, teachers held conferences and check-ins with each individual student. After asking Skye what she thought of conferences she responded: “The constructed

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