High Mountain Institute


HMI is coming to Pittsburgh!

On November 6th we will host an evening presentation in Pittsburgh for prospective students and their families. We look forward to meeting you and answering all your questions about the HMI Semester and Summer Term. Alumni and their families are welcome to join as well! Click here for the full invitation and more information on the Pittsburgh event.


HMI Welcomes Three New Board Members

HMI proudly welcomes the following new members to our Board of Trustees: Lisa Barker Lisa is connected to HMI in numerous ways: she a Semester 5 alumni parent, completed her WFR at HMI, was a TLE instructor and intern, is a TLE alumni parent (2005), a TLE curriculum developer, adjunct faculty, and supporter.  She holds a MA in Adventure Education from Prescott College (2006) and an MA in Spiritual Psychology with


Semester 33: 2nd Expedition

This second expedition can be summed up in one word: snowy! While we felt prepared with warm sleeping bags and lots of layers, we were still a bit surprised to be hiking around in snow up to our knees while summiting 14ers. We look outside now at two of these big peaks right outside Who’s

Alumni Profiles

Preparing for the Unexpected: Engineering and HMI

Growing up in Leadville, I was introduced to HMI when I was about 13 years old after meeting a few of the HMI staff, specifically Kate Bartlett and Katie Baldazar. However, it wasn’t until I signed up for the High Peaks Adventure course in 2004 that I really learned what HMI was all about. After attending the HPA I made it my goal


Semester 33: Expedition Prep

This is our last update before heading into the snowy wildlands around Leadville. We figure that if we’re working with people from the Colorado Fourteener’s Initiative then at least we’re not the only crazy ones headed out into the backcountry! We feel more comfortable this time around preparing for expedition—rationing food, issuing gear, organizing, packing


Semester 33: Classes at HMI

Since we’re sure that we’re going to miss our “traditional” HMI on-campus classes, we thought we’d dedicate this penultimate post before expedition to honoring those classes (even though we still get to work on them in the backcountry)! One of the things that we’ve been most excited about is our teachers. They are so passionate about what


Announcing HMI Gap – a gap year semester in Patagonia and the American West

HMI is excited to announce its newest program, HMI Gap, a 12-week semester for students aged 18-22 looking to step off the “academic treadmill” to explore the world and pursue unique adventures in beautiful places. While rock climbing, backpacking, and participation in real-world conservation projects, students get the opportunity to visit some of the wildest places of the American West and


HMI is Coming to Minneapolis!

On Tuesday, October 7th, HMI will host an evening presentation in Minneapolis for prospective students and their families to learn more about the HMI Semester and Summer Term. Alumni and their families are welcome to join us as well! Please click here for more information about the Minneapolis event


Semester 33: “It really is our home away from home”

Words cannot describe the pure feeling you get in the backcountry or the freeing breaths you take at 12,000 feet above all expectations and obligations.  Words cannot describe the bonds you form with the people you share that time and experience with—the unspoken acknowledgement that you are both experiencing a rare and once-in-a-lifetime moment.  You


Semester 33: 1st Expedition

Welcome to Semester 33’s first expedition!  Before heading into the backcountry, we had two days of crazy classes, including pack packing, shelter set-up, hitch tying, and cooking. After issuing all sorts of personal and group gear and packing up rations, we loaded up the busses and headed for the mountains! Here’s a description of our

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