High Mountain Institute


Semester 34: Ski Week and More!

We have been having a lot of fun in these two weeks leading up to our winter expedition. In science class, we have been studying the subnivean zone, which includes everything that exists within and under the snowpack. We recently wrapped up our English unit by submitting our first essay about Native Americans, cowboys, and […]


Semester 34: “We are right where we belong”

It’s been a big transition coming back to campus, but we feel that we are right where we belong! The HMI community has welcomed all expedition groups back with open arms, and we are having an absolute blast reconnecting. When we are not in the middle of captivating and stimulating class periods, you can find us running,


Semester 34: First Expedition

The time was January 25th.  The place was the canyons of southeastern Utah, and the protagonists were 48 slightly awkward and confused high school juniors, along with a slew of trusty instructors.  Our heroes braved the land for fourteen days, embracing rain, shine, cliffs, mesas, and kitchen disasters.  But most importantly, they faced themselves, and


HMI Fun Run: What’s Next?

After completing the 10-mile Fun Run, many HMI alumni request running plans to help them train for future goals, or just to help them stay active. One of our math teachers, MCMcGovern, has come up with a variety of plans to help with this! You can start any of the training plans (below) at any time. For example,


The Benefits of Taking A Gap Year

Recently, I read “In Fervent Support of the ‘Gap Year,’” a mother’s reflection on her daughter’s choice to defer college for one year. Initially apprehensive, she now has extreme gratitude for how that experience prepared her daughter for the rigors of college and adulthood. This story strongly resonated with my own decision to take a gap year

Student Work

Citizen Science: Collaboration between HMI students and Leadville 4th graders

This fall our 48 HMI students used state of the art scientific research equipment and worked with a total of 72 4th graders to measure black carbon and ozone levels around our schools and in our community. You can see maps of our three “treks” at Mt. Sherman, the Intermediate School and the HMI Campus. Our data is part of the overarching GO3 Project, where


HMI is Traveling the East Coast!

At the end of the month, HMI will be in New Jersey, Massachusetts, New York, Connecticut, Washington DC, and Pennsylvania to present information on our Semester and Summer Term. Click here to find out the details for each location! We invite all prospective students and their families to attend–alumni and alumni families, you are welcome too!

Student Work

Human Ecology: an Interdisciplinary and Place-Based Project

Many small towns are dependent upon natural resources for their survival. Just as mining and ranching are industries rooted in resources from the land, so too are tourism and outdoor recreation. Leadville’s economy and community are deeply tied to, and affected by, the land and vice versa. Leadville offers an ideal case study for the


Learn More About HMI Gap at USA Gap Year Fairs

USA Gap Year Fairs is hosting a series of events at local high schools acround the country. Each event will showcase a speaker who is an authority on Gap Years and can serve as a resource to help answer many questions about the Gap Year experience and how to choose the right program. HMI Gap will be in attendance


HMI is Coming to North Carolina

Next Thursday, January 15th, the High Mountain Institute will give an evening presentation in Greensboro, North Carolina. We invite all prospecitve students and their families to attend and learn more about the HMI Semester and Summer Term. Alumni are welcome to attend as well. Details about the Greensboro event can be found here. We hope you can join

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