High Mountain Institute


Semester 37: First Week of On-Campus Classes

Semester 37’s schedules were packed this week as academic classes began. Last Thursday and Friday we had introductions to each class before beginning our regular class schedules on Monday. In history class, we discussed American identity and what it means to be an American, while in Spanish class we read about Latino immigration in America. In Science […]


Semester 37: First Expedition

Expedition Group A had a trip to remember. Our group was full of energy and beautiful singing voices. Caroline and Julia always made sure there was at least one song being sung at every moment in time. Our hikes were full of laughter and games and our campsites were full of either unreal hail and lightning

Summer Term

Summer Term 2016: 2nd Expedition

Expedition Group A On July 24th, Expedition Group A embarked on our final expedition of the HMI Summer Term 2016. Our group of nine had a heightened sense of confidence and excitement while preparing for the adventure. Things such as packing food for the week and prepping our WhisperLite stoves had become a common practice at this

Summer Term

Summer Term 2016: “Moments of joy are everywhere”

Our feet were gradually turning white as we stood in the Arkansas River, picking our way carefully through the rushing stream and the slick rocks beneath the water. As we had learned in our Sense of Place science class, this stream came straight from alpine snowmelt; we could feel it. Cold water bit at our

Summer Term

Summer Term 2016: “Loving a summer spent here in Leadville!”

It’s been about a week since expedition ended and we are all settling into our new home here at HMI. Our days are full of debates, science experiments, rock climbing, fly fishing, morning runs, and a fair share of laughter! The stars and wilderness that we experienced on expedition are sorely missed, but the HMI campus is not

Summer Term

Summer Term 2016: 1st Expedition

Group A: We eleven members of Group A started our expedition feeling very excited and a little afraid. We’d been preparing for our trip for a few days and met our group members, but going into the field was going to be an entirely new experience. Fortunately, we were in good hands. Our instructors taught


Semester 36: Spirit Week, the Fun Run, and final projects!

Last week was Spirit Week, and it consisted of America Monday, Twin Tuesday, Wacky Wednesday, Thrift Shop Thursday, Flannel Friday, and finally, Sweatpants Saturday. On Monday we decked out in all things red, white, and blue and painted stripes on our faces. During activity we did a 6-mile run in preparation for the Fun Run


Semester 36: An Adventure to Southern Colorado

This past week, HMI Semester 36 students spent their Saturday evening and Sunday at a Ranch in Southern  Colorado. There was much anticipation leading up to the trip during the bus ride there. We sang along to songs and stared in awe at the view around us. The trip began with us setting up our tents just


Semester 36: Third Expedition

As spring break came to a rapid end, all 47 students swarmed into DIA to be picked up by the dusty white buses   and their excited drivers. We hugged and laughed, and then hugged some more, just happy to be home. The days before expedition passed quickly, full of First aid, cutting 1-inch cubes of cheese, and


Semester 36: Second Expedition

Our group’s expedition started with meeting the newest member of our short-term community, Rob Backlund. Rob is a former HMI science teacher who returned to lead our expedition through the northern Sawatch Range around Homestake Peak. From the beginning our group had a knack for hilarious and over-the-top laughter that ensued at just about every moment. Most

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