High Mountain Institute

Summer Term

Summer Term 2018: Life on Campus

Upon arrival back to HMI, it has been non-stop fun. Reuniting as 28 students again was seamless despite being on our own adventures for ten days. We were all eager to share our experiences and hear stories from other groups. As students, we dove in into our classes. We developed a strong sense of place […]

Summer Term

Summer Term 2018: First Expedition

Group A: Angie, Cede, Lauren, Kevin, Shaq, Aiden, Hannah, Hope, Josh, and Sarah On our first night we refueled with cheesy mac and cheese, ready for our second day of hiking through gorgeous aspen groves. Grace saved the day by teaching (and implementing!) blister treatment and we all began to get in the routine of


Special Update

May 25, 4:25 The wildfire on our property has been completely extinguished and there is no damage to our structures or vehicles. HMI staff and students have been cleared to return to campus and will be doing so later this afternoon. We consider ourselves extremely lucky that this fire was mitigated so skillfully by first


Semester 40: “Enjoying Leadville’s beauty”

The semester has become increasingly filled with intense activity and excitement for what lies ahead of us. This past week has been a flurry of emotions found through our daily interactions with people we have come to love: joy in watching Danny’s kids stumble around their playground, sorrow as our apprentice Hannah gave her final


Semester 40: “The typical HMI magic”

Today marks the third day of “Magic May” and as each student is getting reacquainted with residential life here at HMI after time in the canyons, classes are beginning to pick up as well. The science curriculum has turned away from studying the snowpack in Leadville and has begun to focus on the diverse water


Diversity at HMI: A Snapshot

HMI’s Diversity and Inclusion Statement The High Mountain Institute believes that both diversity and inclusion are essential to growth and learning. We all achieve our potential when each person in the community feels a true sense of belonging, and has the confidence to express their full self. At HMI, inclusiveness starts with an intentional and


Semester 40: Third Expedition

Group A Driving into the canyon lands of southeastern Utah, each person on our expedition was unprepared for what was to come; the ocher biome filled our eyes and souls with a known peace. With packs on our backs, we hobbled into the canyon, thinking the next two weeks would pass slowly—except, like a cottonwood

Alumni Profiles, Uncategorized

My HMI Story: Molly Lovett

Hear Molly Lovett’s (HMI Summer Term 2014 and Semester 35 alumna) favorite HMI story about how she grew as a more confident leader throughout her time in Leadville. My HMI Story: Molly Lovett from High Mountain Institute on Vimeo.


Semester 40: Second Expedition

Group A For our winter expedition, groups went to separate areas in the Mosquito and Sawatch mountain ranges which are to the east and west of the town of Leadville. Group A went to the Sawatch range, near Homestake Mountain. As a means of transportation, each person was equipped with a pair of telemark skis


HMI Gap Announces our Civic Adventure Scholarship

Through HMI Gap’s Civic Adventure Scholarship program, we hope to support students who have demonstrated a commitment to civic engagement and outdoor adventure to become part of HMI Gap. This year, we will award three merit scholarships to students who wish to take one of our HMI Gap semesters. Why Civic Adventure? The American conservation movement started with early outdoor explorers who drew

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