Semester 50: A Day in the Life

Written by: Cedar, Bates, & Eddie


Mornings here are gorgeous. The cold nipping at your skin as you do AMX (morning exercise) or simply on the walk to the bathrooms to get ready to start your day. Some of my favorite memories from HMI are the early morning runs, the sun just beginning to peek out from behind the Mosquito range, lighting up the sky behind them, casting a pinkish glow onto the distant bowls of the Sawatch mountain range on the other side of the valley. These moments are ones where you feel on top of the world. There is nothing in the world that could make me not want to be running on these mornings–except ya know the general lack of air, freezing cold temperatures, and the simple fact that I’m not really a runner. But as you turn into the driveway of HMI, knowing that a warm shower and sleeping cabin-mates await, there is a certain sense of accomplishment. 

The mornings here are peaceful, the boardwalk cracking when you’re the first to walk on them as if they’re just waking up along with the rest of us. Gentle music flowing from the kitchen as the cook crew begins breakfast, everyone doing their own thing in Who’s Hall, preparing for a day packed full of classes and other activities. The morning light sifts through the windows of the Academic Building as I finish up the last details on an assignment for my classes that day. I know that soon this place will be bustling with activity, but for now it’s just me and my music. An incredible view of the mountains that never fails to take my breath away just outside the window, seemingly close enough to touch, but also at an immense distance at the same time. 

Rolling breakfast gives everyone enough time to get food, while still being only half awake, grabbing a plate before heading to chore spaces to start chores before the day truly begins. One constant is that there’s always music playing. Walking from room to room, building to building, you’re greeted with a variety of music pumping through speakers as we sweep, wipe down tables, and laugh. From 6:30 to 8:50 every morning there is a quiet charm to campus, the chaos of the day has yet to begin, and the gentle breeze blows through your hair in a way that makes you appreciate every single morning spent here.


Weekends at HMI are a very special time on campus. From the moment we get out of class at noon on Saturday to study hall at the end of Saturday night, there is always something to do. Saturday afternoons are a time to relax and have fun. Last weekend I had the joy of going cross country skiing with some cabinmates; the week before we all went to a nearby field in Leadville to play tag. Saturday afternoons are times to hang out with friends and faculty, fully immersing yourself in the amazing HMI environment. Saturday nights are where the fun chaos comes in! From Casino Night to the talent show, everything comes alive. I have spent many a Saturday dying of laughter with my friends, enjoying spending time with the HMI family. Sundays are days of rest and relaxation. With a well deserved sleep in and solo time, the campus has time to take a break. However, the fun is never far off! Sundays also can involve trips to places like Ski Cooper or the local hot springs. There is never a dull moment. Weekends at HMI are some of the best memories I have from my three months here so far. From bombing down ski runs with my best friends and teachers to lounging by a warm river, life is never dull. Every weekend is a chance for a new adventure and new stories and has been a key part of my HMI experience. 


Hi there! Greetings from Leadville, Colorado! My name is Eddie and I wanted to share a little more about our weekends here on the HMI campus, specifically our Saturday spent at Mt. Princeton Hot Springs! Back in Chicago where I live, there are no natural hot springs so this was a treat for me and our semester. There were several different pools at the hot springs and each one had a different range of temperatures. Since we had just gotten back from the second expedition—which was our winter trip—my friends and I chose to swim in the warmest pool. I swam for a while then I went to grab a piece of pizza from the local store for lunch. The hot springs also offer a river which is located a level down from the pools. For the second half of my time at Mt. Princeton hot springs, I sat down on a little rock that was surrounded by the crystal clear river. It was fascinating to me that the river was the hottest water that I went into compared to the other pools on the upper level. We spent quite a bit of time at the hot springs, but everyone was having so much fun that the whole time it felt like we had just arrived! Everyone had a great time and I would highly recommend visiting Mt. Princeton Hot Springs!