The Lake County Backpack Trip is a fun, week-long adventure that culminates with a backpacking trip in the very mountains that make up our backyard. Visit beautiful high alpine lakes, learn how to cook on a camp stove, sleep under the stars, make great new friends, and challenge yourself! The trip is free for all participants and is run each summer by the High Mountain Institute. No previous outdoor experience is necessary.
2025 Dates: Saturday, July 19th - Friday, July 25th

Are you a current 6th 7th or 8th grader at Lake County Schools? Come join us!
Enrollment Paperwork can be viewed here. Please return your application to Madeline Short from the High Mountain Institute (719-486-8200 x107;; 531 CR 5A, Leadville, CO 80461). Click here for more information about the program, and here for a wilderness equipment packing list.
Se puede ver los documentos de inscripción aquí. Por favor llena la aplicación adjunta y entrégala a Madeline Short de High Mountain Institute (719-486-8200 ext 107;; 531 CR 5A, Leadville, CO 80461). Haz click aquí para la solicitud y más información sobre el programa y aquí para una lista de equipo.
Applications are accepted on a first-come first-served basis based on available space.
Las solicitudes se aceptan por orden de llegada según el espacio disponible.

What to Expect
Day 1: Join LCBT participants, families, and HMI staff for a welcome dinner on HMI’s campus. Spend the evening getting to know each other and learning about the week ahead. Return home for a good night’s sleep.
Day 2: Arrive at HMI at 10 AM. All students and families are invited to come to campus to spend the day learning about and practicing outdoor skills. This day will be interactive and fun for all ages. After lunch, families will depart and LCBT students will begin to settle into the rhythm of the trip.
Day 3: Wake up for a delicious breakfast on campus. Pack your lunch and get ready for a full day of adventures. Come back to campus and sleep in a cozy cabin after roasting marshmallows on the campfire.
Day 4: Spend the morning preparing for the expedition. HMI staff will make sure students have all of the gear they need for a successful overnight trip. We’ll enjoy a picnic and fun time at Turquoise Lake in the afternoon.. Come back to campus for one more night in HMI’s cabins.
Day 5: Pack your backpacks and head out on expedition! Spend the next few days exploring the mountains that make up our own backyard. While on expedition you will practice camp skills, play lots of games, and eat delicious meals like cheesy pasta, rice and beans, and hash browns!
Day 6: Wake up in the mountains and enjoy a day hike to a beautiful alpine lake.
Day 7: Return to HMI’s campus at 10 AM. Clean and organize the gear that you borrowed. Families are invited for lunch and a graduation ceremony from 12 – 1 PM.
The Lake County Backpacking Trip is made possible thanks to the generosity of the Kayne Family Foundation.